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Metros FC Tournament and Festival!

Tournament Schedules/Results

Score Tent

Score Tent - Brought to you by GotSport

Welcome to the 2024 Tournament,

This event is hosted by Gates Youth Soccer and sanctioned by NYSW as a Travel Soccer Tournament. The tournament is open to Boys and Girls 9U-19U.

In 2023 this tournament hosted 100+ teams. We thank you for joining us for this fun and competitive travel soccer event taking place July 19-21, 2024.

All entering teams must provide proof of insurance and a valid player and staff roster from their respective organization. There will be no exceptions. The tournament director may reject applications for teams who cannot provide appropriate credentials.


Please review the Event Details and Team Entry Validation requirements.  All teams are required to complete DIGITAL Check-in via the GotSport web portal.

Event Details and Team Entry Validation Requirement

Submit For Checkin:

  • Signed rules document (last page only)
  • Signed event liability release form
  • NYSWYSA roster (or approved equivalent)
  • Player passes (or approved equivalent)
  • Staff risk management passes
  • Guest player form and passes (if required)
  • Travel Permit (if required)

Tournament Docs

This event is sanctioned by New York State West Youth Soccer Association

July 19-21, 2024

Fun and Competitive Soccer Event


 Tournament Venue


Tournament Description

  • Friday evening matches may be scheduled for local teams, or by request if desired. You may opt out of a Friday night match in the registration form
  • Round robin competition ages 11U-19U
  • Non-competitive play for ages 09U-10U
  • Three matches per team for all age divisions*
  • Championship match for eligible groups**
  • All 12U teams will play 9v9 on a modified field
  • Premier travel teams must play up one age level
  • Premier or Elite guest players may elevate your team to the next age bracket
  • Misrepresentation of team level will result in disqualification from the tournament
  • Once the tournament begins, there are no refunds to be issued
  • Please review Tournament Rules & Permissions

* All team entries are eligible to compete in three matches
** Certain groups may be eligible for a championship match, or in some cases may play a fourth match to decide winner

Tournament Overview

This soccer event is one of the best known youth soccer tournaments in the area for girls and boys travel soccer teams. This NYSWYSA sanctioned tournament offers a wide range of competition, for community based travel teams, to higher level competitive teams. We pride ourselves in our experience and knowledge in running an exciting, competitive, fun and professional tournament. This event is a favorite destination for teams from Canada and Western New York.

Tournament Housing

We work closely with Pellucid Travel to not only source the best hotels, but contract with a variety of hotels to fit all accommodations. We request to work with a wide variety of lodging partners in order to also secure excellent rates for all of our teams. In order to achieve this, we have a Stay to Play policy so that the hotels, cities, and counties are assured that the discounts they offer are used. We work closely with our lodging partners to track team reservations and the stay to play policy as well as ensure that there are enough rooms for all teams attending the event.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Pellucid . We will make sure that your teams are taken care of and in the best fit.





Metros FC and Gates Youth Soccer welcome you to the Annual Gates Soccer Tournament!



July 19-21 2024

ROC Tournament

For More Information:

Gates Youth Soccer League Inc